Sunday, March 4, 2012

He Is Not Looking At You...

Have you ever energetically waved to someone you thought was waving to you, only to realize to your chagrin, they were not waving to you? There have been times that I could sense someone looking at me, and especially if I did not know the person, I felt uneasy, and uncomfortable, even defensive, until I discovered they were not looking at me, but past me to someone else! This is what God does regarding our sin, salvation and redemption.  He is not looking at us.  He is looking past us to the One who represents us, Jesus.

Jesus made a declaration as He hung on the cross.  The last thing He uttered was, "It is finished!" The demands of a Holy God had been satisfied.  The full weight of sin, poured out, was laid on Him as He willingly took our place.  That was so we could be with Him in the presence of God forever.  Judgment had been meted out, the price has been paid, once for all; and grace has been released to all mankind.  The barrier between God and man has been broken down and access to God has been restored as He, Himself, ripped the veil that separated God and man from top to bottom.

The price Jesus Christ paid was so horrific that God had to turn His face as Jesus cried out in anguish, My God, My God! Why have You forsaken Me? But it had to be this way; it had to be payment in full. Anything less could not satisfy the demand for justice required by a Holy God to lift the weight of sin from man.  Anything less would require us to try to pay for our own sins and history has proven we can not.

I am encouraged to know that my pitiful efforts to be good, are smiled at (my impression) by God.  He knows that we couldn't pay the price or carry the weight.  Sort like a little child trying to carry a burden too heavy for him/her, while the stronger parent is really bearing the weight.  The child thinks they are carrying what in reality the more powerful One is carrying.  My efforts don't count. It is already finished. 

I remember when I would call my dad for his birthday or Christmas to ask what he wanted on that particular special day... he would always say, "I just want you to love your dad."  Of course, that was never enough in my mind, so I was faithful to give him something 'tangible'.  God is saying to us, just love your Dad and believe what He has already done for you.  What we can best do for God is love God and love His people.  The rest, well, He will tell us what to do.

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The Love of God

John 3:16 Ampl. For God so greatly loved  and  dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoeve...